Alternative Lending Event 2018

07 november 2018
Inschrijven voor
06 november 2018
Type event
Finance and Lending professionals
Dit event heeft reeds plaatsgevonden

Alternative lending has grown up. Investors seeking an interesting fixed income investment and borrowers seeking a good loan are a logical match. Both want the loan to be paid back and where they differ - the interest rate - there is a market.

The platforms in the middle, the alternative lenders, have gone through a massive evolution over the last few years. The move in the industry from peer-to-peer to full institutional funding has for instance created a drive to far higher standards in all parts of the value chain. The ways alternative lending loans are originated, serviced and traded are changing very rapidly. What’s happening in the value chain, what investors are doing and how investors in the platforms themselves are looking at these changes: all to be revealed at the 3rd edition of the Alternative Lending Event!

With in total 22 speakers of a variety of companies and organisations, there will be an extensive program for the day and lots of opportunities to acquire new knowledge and insights. 

Event informatie

Organisatie: IIR

Datum: 07 november 2018

Inschrijven voor: 06 november 2018

Type event: Seminar

Doelgroep: Finance and Lending professionals

Locatie: Amsterdam